To share information about this 'Yoga Line' and the it's objectives the content providers relied solely on Master C.V.V.'s own handwritten literature.

Brief Introduction

Master brings a child to birth in a different manner. The child could not survive due to insufficient life wave. As per Master’s bidding from His physical state, the Unlimited Life source in the cosmos gets kindled, and the flow reaches Him. On Master’s command, the flow happens to the Child as well. Despite the availability of Life Wave, the child could not survive. Reasons for that were identified by the Master as deficiencies in the human format and in the cosmic factors. To carry out corrective actions for these defects, Master selected some developed persons as Mediums and gave them needed spiritual lifts so that their services can be utilized in these processes.

Master tested the intended changes for Human Structure in His own physical body and partly in others' successfully.

The changes to cosmic factors were initiated and those will come into effect in a timeline unknown to anyone, as mentioned in His original literature.

Master C.V.V.'s Yoga Line evolved during the period 1910-1921. In this process, the concepts of the early days got revised in later years. Master's literature gives us a chance to understand the complex system of Human Creation and the near incomprehensible processes carried out by THE MASTER for human evolution.

AIM of The Yoga

Enabling humanity gain all Gnana from Kundalini in conscious physical state.

Facilitating all humans attain Kaivalya state and realize Eshwara like Gnanis.

Triggering evolutionary changes to human format to receive and to sustain unlimited life waves and heralding eternal human beings.

Bringing changes to cosmic forces for such evolutionary process

Swatantra Prakatana

Declaration published by the Master in newspapers in July 1910

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On 10.12.1912, Master C.V.V. recorded in his Diary, in tamil, on the Hierarchy to be strictly adhered to in this Yoga Line as - Master C.V.V. - M.T.A - One Point.

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One Point

From Master C.V.Vs notes for 20.12.1921 to 16.1.1922, we can vaguely understand 'One Point'. For this we shall not think in philosophical terms of old schools of thought. Master gave descriptions for the mechanical aspects of the Non-physical spiritual aspects of hitherto unknown to the physical world. With that view we can attempt to understand 'One Point'.

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The Concept of M.T.A can be understood from Master C.V.V's Literature as below

1.Signature as M.T.A in Diary / Notes - Represents various sages and developed souls who delivered information at the behest of the Evolving Origin. A discussion between these Sages and Master CVV about whether the signature was to be changed was also recorded and it was concluded that same letters shall be used. Some of these sages appeared to some mediums in physical form as recorded in Notes.

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Master C.V.V.(Canchupati Venkatrao Venkasami Rao) was born on 04 AUG 1868 at 10:20 A.M. Dhanishta nakshatram at Ammal satram, Kumbakonam, Tamilanadu, India.

Master C.V.V.'s birth cycles continued in an unique way, accumulating enormous Will Power at Astral level, as per His original literature. This strength was not known to His physical in any birth. Master did not practice any yoga in any of the previous births. At the beginning of the new cycle of births, a prompt occurred that the power of His Astral be known to His Physical in the present birth. Referring to Master as any historical personality/rishi is without any base.

Master C.V.V. carried out several experiments much before the start of this Yoga Line. Limited information is available from His Literature on such experiments. No reference was found about Him being a member of any other occult group.

Master C.V.V.'s Physical and Meta-Physical bodies being unique in strength, Master used His own physical as an experiment ground for the changes in the Human Format. Master recorded that the experiments were completed and successful as intended by Him. The outward expression of such changes could only happen on this planet when all the cosmic changes are completed, including the changes related our planet, as per His Original writings.

Master C.V.V. kept all the final processes performed during the last 14 months before leaving the physical as secret. No records were found for sucj Final processes carried out by Him. Master did not leave any instructions for anyone to propoagate or to continue the practice in the manner that Master gave out to the Mediums initiated by Him. The evolutionary changes initiated by Him do not require anyone to do such practice now. The objective of this Line is not achievable by practice by any individual, unlike other yoga paths.

Master C.V.V.'s concepts, practice definitions, experiments were all His own and no reference shall be made to any of the other practices or to any darsana. Master declared that He is the only authority for this Line and no interpretation beyond what was given out shall be made by anyone. Master also mentioned His Line as 'Direct Line' and advised that no attempt shall be made to explain it by referring to teachings of other gurus.

Master C.V.V. left the physical on 12 MAY 1922.

Saadhanaa Sankalpam

    Master C.V.V. Namaskaram. Please rectify and develop my system.

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Master C.V.V Diary



Higher Workings I & II

Higher Workings III & IV

Higher Workings V & VI

Higher Workings VII & VII

Higher Workings
IX & X & XI

Master C.V.V.’s explanation AURIV to AURIU.10 Course

Master C.V.V.’s explanation AURI to AURI-K5 Course

Merchary Explanation

M Practice First Origin

Master C.V.V.’s Explanation on “E.” Course

Master C.V.V.’s Explanation on ‘Simple’ Course

Master C.V.V.’s Explanation on ‘Master’s Course’

Master C.V.V.’s Explanation on K.R Course

MTA Letters - I

MTA Letters - II

MTA Letters - III

Pragna Prabhakaram

Prabhakara Pravachanamulu